Netgate has “just” published their first blog post, describing official wireguard support in the latest development snapshot of pfSense 2.5.0.
As a network engineer, routing enthusiast, technical supporter, and dn42 participant. Hearing about the upcoming WireGuard support for pfSense has me very excited due to the ease of use. And simplistic configuration. Making it – in my opinion – the most attractive VPN solution for P2P-mesh VPN network(s) and Road Warrior access on-the-go. Plus the support for WireGuard is close to ubiquitously supported on *most* major platforms via direct development support (& 3rd party software solutions).
Netgate mentioning – in their blog post – they have been a sponsor for the development needed to get WireGuard supported on freebsd has me thankful, even thou I am not a paying customer of theirs (i.e. a prosumer #wfh).
pfSense not having WireGuard support. When OPNsense introduced WireGuard (& ZeroTier) support months ago. Have had me seriously consider over the Christmas period to switching my prosumer firewall solution to OPNsense. Just for the VPN support of WireGuard & ZeroTier alone. Now, however… I am convinced to stick with pfSense for more years to come. And excitedly looking forward to the next stable release that will very hopefully include the recently announced WireGuard support. (/^▽^)/
- Summary by Phoronix: - Netgate blog post: - Latest Docs: - WireGuard commits to pfSense repo: