EVPN Learning Ressources – WIP

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VXLAN Packet

PBB Packet Format

How-to VPN: Private Internet Access (PIA) and MikroTik Router

⚠ Information in this post is outdated since the launch of PIA’s ‘Next-Gen’ VPN network in 2020, sunsetting the then-existing set-up

First create a vpn profile to use when creating l2tp/pptp connections
to privateinternetaccess.

/ppp profile add change-tcp-mss=yes \
comment="PIA VPN" \
dns-server=, \
name=privateinternetaccess only-one=no \
use-compression=no use-encryption=required \
use-ipv6=no use-mpls=no use-upnp=no

Create the l2tp interface

/interface l2tp-client add \
comment="PIA VPN Netherlands" \
connect-to=nl.privateinternetaccess.com \
disabled=no name=pia-de-l2tp \
profile=privateinternetaccess \
user=[l2tp-username] \
  • [l2tp-username] Your PIA username for l2tp/pptp/socks connections beginning with ‘x’ (not ‘p’!)
  • [l2tp-password] Your PIA password for l2tp/pptp/socks connections

Create a firewall mangle rule to mark IPv4 traffic we want to
go through the VPN.

/ip firewall mangle add \
action=mark-routing \
chain=prerouting \
comment="PIA VPN Netherlands" \
new-routing-mark="PPTP RM" \
passthrough=yes \
    • <li


    Fx. or

Create the NAT rule and tell it to use the VPN interface.

/ip firewall nat add \
action=masquerade chain=srcnat \
comment="PIA VPN Netherlands" \

Create a corresponding default route to match the previous NAT
rule. Which only get used when IPv4 traffic has been marked with

/ip route add \
comment="PIA VPN Netherlands" \
disabled=yes distance=1 \
gateway=pia-de-l2tp routing-mark="PPTP RM"

Now you should see traffic from clients in the IPv4 range
of [ip-range-to-forward-through-vpn] go through the VPN.

NB: If you want to use another country apart from Netherlands. Check out Private Internet Access list of locations here: PIA VPN Tunnel Network

IPv6 Buzz 048: From Learning To Teaching IPv6 – Packet Pushers

Enjoying this episode on IPv6 learning and personal experience with

In this week’s IPv6 Buzz episode, we discuss the path from learning IPv6 to teaching it with Nicole Wajer, a Technical Solution Architect at Cisco and a frequent presenter at CiscoLive. She’s an expert on IPv6 training.

Source: IPv6 Buzz 048: From Learning To Teaching IPv6 – Packet Pushers

Problems with a IPv6 only network – Ben’s Place

In my last post I talked about running a pure IPv6 network, as part of my ISP building project, but still allowing access to resources on the internet currently only available via IPv4.This works well assuming all the clients on the local network are IPv6 capable, unfortunately this is not always the case. There are legacy devices that do not understand IPv6.This is a real problem with IoT devices that are either no longer being maintained or just that have hardware that is incapable of using anything other than IPv4. There is also a small problem that a IP cam with a IPv6 address is probably available to the world with out some firewall rules or a ACL limiting access to the local /64, but those are problems for another day…Another issue is hard coded IPv4 addresses in legacy applications, this is a problem even if the OS/device supports both IPv4 & IPv6 but is only connected via IPv6.There is are a few of solution to both these problems.

Source: Problems with a IPv6 only network – Ben’s Place

De-bogonising 2a10::/12 | RIPE

With the RIPE NCC having become the first RIR to receive an additional /12 IPv6 allocation (2a10::/12) from IANA a few months ago, we will soon begin to delegate space from this IPv6 block to LIRs. In preparation for this, in order to improve routability and minimise the risk of filtering, the RIPE NCC will perform several de-bogonising activities in the next few weeks.We plan to start announcing the full /12, as well as a few /32 or longer blocks out of 2a10::/12 from AS12654 (RIPE Routing Information System (RIS)), within the next few days. We will analyse data from RIS and RIPE Atlas and we plan to write up an analysis around this effort.We want to remind everybody to update their bogon filters and allow routes originating from 2a10::/12 in their network.

Source: RIPE NEWSRouting WG, Google (De-bogonising 2a10::/12)