The original “Axel F” from the tv-series Beverly Hills Cup done by artist Harold Faltermeyer
AMD FX breaks old 8.3 GHz record
See the guys from overclockersclub break the old world record for fastest CPU frequency!
The Sims now on Facebook
Change a line across a bunch of posts in WordPress
To change a line can in posts across many in WordPress, can manually be a “pain-in-the-ass”-task. But can actually be done quite easily with a single line of MySQL-code, executed from the db-admin-interface (phpmyadmin etc.)
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content=REPLACE(post_content, 'text-to-be-replaced', 'text-to-insert')
To be more understandable, you use it like this
UPDATE Table-Name SET Field-Name=REPLACE(Field-Name, 'Text-To-Be-Replaced', 'Text-To-Insert');
With this one line, mysql searches the table ‘wp_posts’ and replace all occurrences of the text-snippet it can find, and you are done!
The Other method is to use the wordpress-plugin Search and Replace, which runs from the wordpress admin-section (see Tools-menu!), and you can select which tables, in the database wordpress is installed in, to be searched!
In the mysql-command, the table is stated second after ‘UPDATE’!
See more: wordpress-support-topic and wordpress-plugin-search-and-replace.