The list is still subject to updates and changes from time to time. Last updated: 20170121.
Acronym | Definition | Comment |
Acronym | Definition | Comment |
6PE | ipv6 Provider Edge Router | |
6VPE | IPv6 Virtual Private Network Provider Edge Router | |
ABC | Abstract Base Class | |
ACE | Access Control Entry | |
ACID | Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability | |
ACL | Access Control List | |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface | |
ADO | ActiveX® Data Objects | |
ADSI | Active Directory Service Interfaces | |
AF | Address Family | |
AFI | Address Family Identifier | |
AIC | Application Integration Component | |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | |
ANSI SQL | American National Standards Institute Structured Query Language | |
API | Application programming Interface | |
APM | Advanced Power Management | |
APPC | Advanced Program-to-Program Communication | |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol | |
ASA | Adaptive security Applicance | Cisco |
ASAv | Adaptive Security Virtual Applicance | Cisco |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | |
ASP | Active Server Pages | |
ASR | Aggregation Service Routers | Cisco |
ATL | ActiveX® Library Template | |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | |
AXFR | Asynchronous Full Transfer Zone | |
BASH | Bourne Again Shell | |
BDC | Backup Domain Controller | |
BDM | Business Development Manager | |
bfd | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection | |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol | |
BINL | Boot Information Negotiation Layer | |
BIOS | Basic Input/Output System | |
BLOB | Binary Large Object | |
BSD | Berkeley Software Distribution | |
CA | Certification Authority | |
CAL | Client Access License | |
CDFS | Compact Disk File System | |
CE | Customer Edge Router | |
CICS | Customer Interface Control System | |
CIFS | Common Internet File System | |
CIM | 1. Common Information Model 2. Computer Information Model | |
CIP | Commerce Interchange Pipeline | |
CLB | Component Load Balancing | |
CLSID | Class Identifier | |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
COFF | Common Object File Format | |
COM | Component Object Model | |
COMAdmin | Component Services Administration | |
CoPP | ||
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture | |
CPE | Customer Premise Equipment | |
CRM | Compensating Resource Manager | |
CSMI | CICS Mirror Transaction | |
CSR | Cloud Services Router | Cisco |
CSR-X | Carrier Routing System | Cisco |
cSRX | Juniper | |
CTM | Coordinating Transaction Manager | |
DACL | Discretionary Access Control List | |
DB | Database | |
DBG | Debug Format | |
DBMS | Database Management System | |
DCOM | Distributed Component Object Mode | |
DDF | 1. Distributed Database Facility 2. Data Decryption Field | |
DDL | Data Definition Language | |
DDM/DRDA | Distributed Data Management / Distributed Relational Data Access | |
DDNS | Dynamic Domain Name Service | |
DFS | Distributed File System | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DHTML | Dynamic HTML | |
DLL | Dynamic-link Library | |
DMI | Desktop Management Interface | |
DML | Data Manipulation/Modification Language | |
DMTF | 1. Distributed Management Task Force 2. Desktop Management Task Force | |
DNA | Distributed InterNet Applications | |
DNS | Domain Name System | |
DPA | Demand Protocol Architecture | |
DPL | Distributed Program Link | |
DRF | Data Recovery Field | |
DSA | Directory System Agent | |
DSN | 1. Data Source Name 2. Domain Server Name | |
DTC | Distributed Transaction Coordinator | |
DTD | Document Type Definition | |
DTS | Data Transformation Services | |
DVD | Digital Video (or Versatile) Disk | |
EAP | 1. Extensible Authentication Protocol 2. Early Adopter Program | |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturing Association | |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | |
EFD | Early Fast Discard | |
EFS | Encrypting File System (Windows 2000) | |
EGP | Exterior Gateway Protocol | |
EHLLAPI | Extended HLLAPI | |
EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol | |
ELSA | Electronic Library Services and Applications | |
EPN | ||
ERP | enterprise Resource Planning | |
EX | Juniper | |
EXE | Executable File | |
FAT | File Allocation Table | |
FEK | File Encryption Key | |
FPNW | File and Print Services for NetWare | |
FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Name | |
FIB | Forward Information Base | |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | |
GC | Global Catalog | |
GDB | GNU Debugger | |
GINA | Graphical Identification and Authentication | |
GIT | Global Interface Table | |
GPE | Group Policy Editor | |
GPL | General Public License | |
GPO | Group Policy Object | |
GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation | |
GSNW | Gateway Services for NetWare | |
GSSC | Global Solutions Support Center | |
GTM | Go to Market | |
GUI | Graphic User Interface | |
HA | High Availability | |
HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer | |
HCL | Hardware Compatibility List | |
HIP | High Impact project | |
HKCU | HKey_Current_User | |
HKLM | HKey_Local_Machine | |
HLLAPI | High Level Language Application Programming Interface | |
HSM | Hierarchical Storage Management | |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language | |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol | |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | |
IDE | 1. Integrated Development Environment 2. Integrated Drive Electronics | |
IDL | 1. Interface Description Language 2. Interface Definition Language | |
IDOC | Intermediate Document | |
IEAK | Internet Explorer Administrator Kit | |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | |
IGP | Interior Gateway Protocol | |
IID | Interface Identifier | |
IIS | Internet Information Services (Internet Information Server) | |
IME | Input Method Editor | |
IMIX | ||
IMS | Information Management System | |
IOS | Cisco | |
IOS XE | Cisco | |
IOS XR | Cisco | |
IOS XRv | Cisco | |
IOS XRv 9000 | Cisco | |
IP | 1. Internet Protocol 2. Intellectual Property | |
IPC | Interprocess Communication | |
IPFIX | ||
IPSec | Internet Protocol Security | |
IPX | Internetwork Packet eXchange | |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol Version 4 | |
IPv6 | Internet Protocol Version 6 | |
IrDA | Infrared Data Association | |
ISAM | Indexed Sequential Access Method | |
ISIS | Intermediate System to Intermediate System | Juniper |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | |
ISV | Independent Software Vendor | |
ITIL | Information Technology Infrastructure Library | |
ITS | Incompatible Time-Sharing System | |
IXFR | Incremental Transfer | |
IXP | internet exchange point | |
JDBC | Java Data Base Connectivity | |
JIT | Just-in-Time | |
JMS | Java Message Service | |
JNDI | Java Naming and Directory Interface | |
JRMI | Java Remote Method Invocation | |
JTAC | Juniper Technical Assistance Center | Juniper |
JTS | Java Transaction Service | |
JUNOS | Junos Network Operating System | Juniper |
KCC | Knowledge Consistency Checker | |
KDC | Key Distribution Center | |
KVM | Kernel-based Virtual Machine | |
L2TP | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol | |
L2VPN | Layer-2 Virtual Private Network | |
L3VPN | Layer-3 Virtual Private Network | |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LCE | Loosely Coupled Events | |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | |
LDP | Label Distribution Protocol | |
LISP | List Processor | |
LORG | Large Organization | |
LPTS | Local Packet Transport Services | |
LSA | Local Security Authority | |
LU | Logical Unit | |
LXC | Linux Containers | |
MAC | Media Access Control | |
MDAC | Microsoft Data Access Components | |
MFI | Multiprotocol Label Switching Forwarding Infrastructure | |
MGBL | ||
MICR | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition | |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | |
MLV | Multilanguage Version | |
MMC | Microsoft Management Console | |
MOF | Managed Object Format | |
MOM | Microsoft Operations Manager | |
MORG | Medium-sized Organization | |
MP-BGP | Multiprotocol Extensions for Border Gateway Protocol | |
MPLS | Multiprotocol Label Switching | |
MQS | Message Queue Series | |
MRO | Maintenance Repair and Operations | |
MSCS | Microsoft Cluster Service | |
MSDE | 1. Microsoft Data Engine 2. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine | |
MSF | Microsoft Solutions Framework | |
MSI | Microsoft Windows Installer | |
MSMQ | Message Queuing | |
MSP | 1. Managed Service Provider 2. Messaging Service Provider 3. Message Security Protocol | |
MTA | Multi-threaded Architecture | |
MTS | 1. Microsoft Transaction Server 2. Microsoft Technical Support | |
MVS | Multiple Virtual System | |
NAL | NetWare Applications Launcher | |
NAV | Net Asset Value | |
NCP | 1. Network Control Program 2. Network Control Protocol 3. NetWare Core Protocol | |
NCS | ||
NDIS | Network Driver Interface Specification | |
NDPS | Novell Distributed Print Services | |
NDS | NetWare Directory Service | |
NFS | Network File System | |
NFV | Network Forward Virtualization | |
NGF | Next Generation Firewall | |
NIC | 1. Network Interface Card 2. Network Adapter 3. Network Information Center | |
NIS | Network Information Service | |
NLB | Network Load Balancing | |
NLS | National Language Support | |
NNTP | Network News Transport Protocol | |
NTLM | NT LAN-Manager | |
NTP | Network Time Protocol | |
NTW | New Technology Workstation | |
NVT | Network Virtual Terminal | |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition | |
OCX | 1. OLE Custom Control 2. OLE Control Extension | |
ODBC | Open Database Connectivity | |
OLAP | Online Analytical Processing | |
OLTP | Online Transaction Processing | |
OMG | Object Management Group | |
OO | Object Oriented | |
OOAD | Object Oriented Analysis and Design | |
OPP | Order Processing Pipeline | |
ORB | Object Request Broker | |
OS | Operating System | |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First | |
OSTA | Optical Storage Technology Association | |
OTM | Object Transaction Middleware | |
PAC | Privilege Attribute Certificate | |
PCL | Printer Control Language | |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association | |
PDC | Primary Domain Controller | |
PE | Provider Edge | |
PEC | Primary Enterprise Controller | |
PG | Product Group | |
PIE | ||
PK | Primary Key | |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure | |
PMI | Project Management Institute | |
PnP | Plug and Play | |
POS | 1. Programmable Option Select 2. Point of Sale 3. Point of Service 4. Packet Over Sonet 5. Persistent Object Server | |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface | |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | |
PPTP | Point to Point Tunneling Protocol | |
PSS | Product Support Services | |
PTM | Participating Transaction Manager | |
PTR | Point-in-Time Repair | |
PXE | Pre-boot Execution Environment | |
QCE | Quality Customer Experience | |
QEMU | Quick Emulator | |
QFE | Quick Fix Engineering | |
QoS | Quality of Service | |
QvPC | QNAP virtualized Personal Computer | |
OTT | Over-The-Top | |
RADIUS | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service | |
RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks | |
RAS | Remote Access Services | |
RD | Route Distinguisher | |
RDO | Remote Data Object | |
RDP | 1. Remote Display (or Desktop) Protocol 2. Reliable Datagram Protocol | |
RDS | Remote Data Services | |
RFC | Request for Comment | |
RIB | Routing Information Base | |
RID | 1. Relative Identifier 2. Record ID | |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol | |
RIS | Remote Installation Services | |
RM | Resource Manager | |
ROLAP | Relational Online Analytical Processing | |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call | |
RPM | ||
RR | 1. Resource Records 2. Route Reflector | |
RSM | Removable Storage Management | |
RSS | Remote Storage | |
RT | Route Target | |
RTL | Register Transfer Language | |
RUP | Roaming User Profile | |
SACL | System Access-Control List | |
SAM | Security Accounts Manager | |
SAN | Storage Area Network | |
SAS | 1. Secure Attention Sequence 2. Serial Attached SCSI | |
SCA | Security Configuration and Analysis | |
SCE | Security Configuration Editor | |
SCM | 1. Service Control Manager 2. Security Control Monitor | |
SCSI | Small Computer System Interface | |
SCTS | Security Configuration Toolset | |
SD | Security Descriptor | |
SDI | 1. Secure Dial-In 2. Single Document Interface 3. Smart Database Interface | |
SDK | Software Development Kit | |
SDN | Software Defined Networking | |
SFU | Windows Services for UNIX | |
SI | System Integrator | |
SID | Security Identifier | |
SIS | Single Instance Store | |
SMB | Server Message Block | |
SMS | Systems Management Server | |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | |
SMU | ||
SNA | Systems Network Architecture | |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | |
SP | Stored Procedure | |
SPM | Shared Property Manager | |
SR | Secure Router | Cisco |
SRM | Security Reference Monitor | |
SRX | Juniper | |
SSD | Solid State Disk | |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | |
SSO | Single Sign-on | |
SSPI | Security Support Provider Interface | |
SVID | System V Interface Definition | |
SAA | System Application Architecture | |
TAC | Technical Assistance Center | Cisco |
TCE | Tightly Coupled Events System | |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership | |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol | |
TCT | Terminal Control Table | |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol | |
TGS | Ticket-Granting Service | |
TGT | 1. Transaction Group Type 2. Ticket Granting Ticket 3. Target Tracker | |
TIP | Transaction Internet Protocol | |
TLB | Type Library | |
TLS | Thread Local Storage | |
TM | Transaction Manager | |
TP | Transaction Program | |
TPD | Transactions Per Day | |
TPH | Transactions Per Hour | |
TPM | Transactions Per Minute | |
TPS | Transactions Per Second | |
TSA | Target Service Agent | |
TTL | Time to Live | |
UCS | 1. User Coordinate System 2. Universal Character Set 3. Unicode Conversion Support 4. Unified Communication Server | |
UDF | 1. Universal Disk Format 2. User-defined function 3. Uniqueness Database File | |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol | |
UI | User Interface | |
UML | 1. Unified Modeling Language 2. Universal Markup Language | |
UNC | Universal Naming Convention | |
UPN | User Principal Name | |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
uRPF | ||
USB | Universal Serial Bus | |
USMT | User State Migration Tool | |
USN | Update Sequence Numbers | |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format | |
VAN | Value Added Network | |
vCenter | VMware | |
vCPE | Virtual Customer Premise Equipment | |
vESA | Cisco | |
VM | Virtual Machine | |
vNAM | Cisco | |
VNF | ||
vPE | Virtual Provider Edge | |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | |
VRF | Virtual Private Network Routing and Forwarding Instance | |
vRR | Virtualized Route Reflector | |
VRRP | ||
vSphere | VMware | |
vSRX | Juniper | |
vWLC | ||
vWSA | ||
vWAAS | ||
VxD | Virtual Device Driver | |
WAN | Wide Area Network | |
WBEM | Web-based Enterprise Management | |
WDM | Win32 Driver Model | |
WFP | Windows File Protection | |
WHQL | Windows Hardware Quality Lab | |
WINS | Windows Internet Name Service | |
WMI | Windows Management Instrumentation | |
WQL | WMI Query Language | |
WRED | ||
WSH | Windows Script Host | |
XA | Extended Architecture | |
XDR | External Data Representation | |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | |
XML TI | XML Transaction Integration | |
XSL | Extensible Style Language | |
XSLT | Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations | |
Yang | ||
ZAW | Zero Administration for Windows |
Sources (amongst each other):