“can you marry modern thinking” ?

Today I accept that Rails is yesterday’s software.

I make my living, and run my entire company, on Rails, and it has been the underpinning of my career. I’ve sold every client I’ve ever had on the virtues of rapid, agile development and the insane community involvement of the Rails platform. I’ve watched DHH with ‘interest’ and admired most of the things he has to say. I’ve watched other platforms spring up to compete and enjoyed the competition between them. I stumbled across Why’s guide, I absorbed books by Pragmatic Press, watched Peepcode tutorials, Railscasts, subscribed to Codeschool, and felt a part of the industry which formed around this new style of development. Design played a bigger part not just in the websites we made, but the development tools we used. Even our API documentation appeared to breathe life.

Development felt cool, and this was a big deal given the culture we were used to.

Read the rest [here] 🙂 á post originally by Rob Robinson

Spotify Helps to Beat Music Piracy, European Commission Finds – TorrentFreak

When Spotify launched its first beta in the fall of 2008 we branded it “an alternative to music piracy.”With the option to stream millions of tracks supported by an occasional ad, or free of ads for a small subscription fee, Spotify appeared to be a serious competitor to unauthorized downloading.

Source: Spotify Helps to Beat Music Piracy, European Commission Finds – TorrentFreak

Five network trends challenging the enterprise | Network World

As cloud computing, big data and the deployment of mega-scale data centers accelerates, organizations need to continually recalibrate and evolve the network. This challenge has led to the development of new technologies and standards designed to increase and optimize network capacity, security and flexibility, all while keeping a lid on cost. Here are the top five trends as we see them:

* Rapid Adoption of 802.11ac. Tablets and smartphones are becoming ubiquitous in the workplace. As the number of mobile devices and the deployment of cloud-based enterprise services continues to scale at a dramatic rate, the keepers of the network must reconsider how they provision, secure and control enterprise computing resources and information access.

via Five network trends challenging the enterprise | Network World.

Crashed ISPConfig3 hosted wordpress blog by ERROR 40

Had a blog hosted on an ISPConfig3, Nginx, MySQL, PHP platform on Debian mini and by ERROR 40 deleted my blog… bad mistake… Honest mistake and I’m a real man, so no offsite backup was to be found, no joke.

The guide followed when the VPS was set-up can be seen here.

The error was plausible to happen a some point, but frustrating to have my blog site gone, after the time invested. Everything for the learning experience, I guess. Sigh.

Next. Install ISPConfig3 with Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, dovecut and PHP and see how that goes.